ICL Solution Suite

Transform your Development Trials

End to End Management of Clinical Trial Imaging

We provide all services necessary to support the Clinical Imaging Management system including training of site personnel, equipping the site with proper tools, quality assurance of the captured images, quality check of the acquired images, expert reading, adjudication, formatted reporting, till the submission of EDC.

We accomplish this through a highly collaborative and integrated workflow based platform – CLINSpa.

Site Co-ordination, Site Management and Site Training

Clinical trials are incredibly complex and complexity increases when it comes to multi site trials with the huge enrollment of patients. Regardless of the study product or therapy area, clinical trial that needs imaging adds up to another layer of complexity, be it a regulatory challenge, workflow compliance challenge or training the site staff for proper image requirements.

So what should be done when one knows that equipping sites with proper tools and software is just not enough?

A successful imaging interpretation starts with proper training of the clinicians who are trained for the right image capturing technique. Successful site training regularizes imaging techniques that bring out quality image through simplified and consistent approaches.

Radiology Imaging Protocol Design

On demand imaging protocol designing, done by a highly efficient panel of radiologists. So, whether you need modifications in your existing protocol or want it de Novo, we have experts who can cater to all your needs.

Quality Assurance

We utilize the latest advances in Imaging Interpretation and technology to ensure the best quality of image uploads and reads. We also digitize the medical images , develop and co – ordinate the imaging procedure in compliance with the FDA or other regulatory requirement.

Image Acquisition Guidelines

Do not settle for images that are distorted, blurred or has image projection errors such as elongation, shortening etc. Our Image Acquisition guidelines ensure standardized image capture throughout your trial period. Obtain and retrieve all your trial images effortlessly from multiple sites. Customized guidelines that suit every imaging need of your trial and brings out every minute details and findings that a radiologist may overlook.

Centralized Imaging Database

Our centralized imaging database helps authorized users easily find, view, download and share historical information regarding any phase of the study. Creating efficiencies by tracking the study progress and monitor the status of your case in our workflow. Whether it’s digitized images, text-searchable documents or reports and read history – proprietary platform CLINSpa makes your files accessible to your global audiences. Multicentric trials are hereby made possible by acquisition of images across multisite globally. US government approved and HIPAA compliant archival system protects all DICOM images and the reports from natural disaster.

Archival of Images

Managing increasing imaging data volumes in a clinical trial is a challenging task and larger data means longer backups and even longer retrieval time. Dramatically lower your storage costs and facilitate improved access to all your end users.
A cloud-based server that’s US government approved and HIPAA compliant, protects all your medical imaging records like base image, annotated image, and annotated image with the reporting secure from any natural disaster and facilitates faster and easy retrieval.

Multi-site architecture that enables smooth management of images and reports across multi geographical sites.

A foolproof Disaster Recovery Plan that includes policies, process, and procedures to ensure business continuity in case of any disaster to ensure the resumption of critical functions in the event of any unscheduled interruption.

ICL’s powerful archival solution offers seamless data integration and built-in analytics that gives you more powerful control over your data. Now all your imaging reports are available without the need to download any special software.

Generation of EDC

We can assure you a unique depth of experience and capabilities for Diagnostic Imaging in Clinical Trials.

Image received

Quality check on Received Image

Read by the Reviewer

PDF is Generated in CLINSpa

EDC is Populated

It is centrally stored for easy client access

Get in touch with us

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