March 24, 2025
A Pictorial Review of CT Angiography Imaging Features of Aortic Dissection and Its Complications: Role of Emergency Teleradiology
Journal of Clinical Interventional Radiology ISVIR
February 26, 2025
Implementation of Cybersecurity systems in Teleradiology Services- Best Practices
Neetika Mathur, Saravanan Seralathan, Arjun Kalyanpur
Medical Research Archives
Applications of artificial intelligence in thoracic imaging: a review
Arjun Kalyanpur, Neetika Mathur
Academia Medicine
Academic Pursuits in Teleradiology: At the Crossroads of Technology, Radiology, and Implementation
Indian J Radiol Imaging
Current Trends in Teleradiology Utilization Patterns in India, Including Perceptions and Attitudes- A Nationwide Survey of Indian Radiologists
Neetika Mathur, Anjali Agrawal, Arjun Kalyanpur
International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation
October 22, 2024
Integration of Teleradiology and Artificial Intelligence: Opportunities and Challenges
Arjun Kalyanpur, Neetika Mathur
Medical Research Archives
Role of teleradiology in the interpretation of ultrasound images acquired in the emergency setting
Kalyanpur A. and Mathur N.
Digital diagnostics
The Role of Online Education in Radiology
Arjun Kalyanpur, Neetika Mathur
International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation
July 11, 2024
WhatsApp and Its Role in Teleradiology.
Kalyanpur A.
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging
A teleradiology network for the improvement of healthcare and patient management in the developing countries of the African continent.
Rudisill K E, Mathur N. and Kalyanpur A.
Clinical Imaging
May 09, 2024
Five Things That Radiologists Can Do to Improve Their Technology Quotient.
Kalyanpur A.
Indian Journal of Radiology and Imaging
April 30, 2024
Cecal Volvulus: Retrospective Analysis of CT Evaluation in the Emergency Teleradiology Setting with a Pictorial Review of the Salient Features
Kalyanpur A, Rao P, Menon A.
Indian Journal of Applied Radiology
Utilization of Teleradiology by Intensive Care Units: A Cohort Study.
Kalyanpur A, Rao P, Mathur N.
Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine
Offshore reporting of radiologic examinations supplementing healthcare delivery worthy of Medicare reimbursement.
Kalyanpur A. and Mathur N.
Imaging Radiation and Research
Teleradiology Service is Indispensable in the Indian Healthcare Sector.
Kalyanpur A, Nair HTS, Mathur N.
International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation
A Teleradiology System for Early Ischemic and Hemorrhagic Stroke Evaluation and Management.
Kalyanpur A. and Mathur N.
Journal of Clinical Interventional Radiology
April, 2023
Teleradiology and technology innovations in radiology: status in India and its role in increasing access to primary health care.
Chandramohan A, Krothapalli V, Augustin A, Kandagaddala M, Thomas HM, Sudarsanam TD, Kalyanpur A,
The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia
Dec 23, 2022
The Role of Mobile Van Mammography Supported by Teleradiology in the Early Diagnosis of Breast Cancer: An Innovative Approach to a Growing Public Health Problem.
Kalyanpur A., Sudhindra R. R., Rao, P.
International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation
Aug 17, 2022
Teleradiology in Tripura: Effectiveness of a Telehealth Model for the Rural Health Sector.
Kalyanpur A., Meka S., Joshi K., TS H., Mathur N.
International Journal of Health Technology and Innovation

Pneumonia Detection and Classification on Chest Radiographs using Deep Learning
Kalyanpur A,
Lattice | Volume 2, Issue 2

Pneumothorax detection and classification on chest radiographs using Artificial Intelligence
Kalyanpur A,
Lattice | Volume 2, Issue 1

Accurate Prostate Volume Estimation Using Multi-Feature Active Shape Models on T2-Weighted MRI
Kalyanpur A, Toth R.
Academic Radiology
October 2010

A Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Driven Initialization Scheme for Active Shape Model-Based Prostate Segmentation
Kalyanpur A, Toth R, Tiwari P, Rosen M, Reed G, Kurhanewicz J, Pungavkar S, and Madabhushi A.
Medical Image Analysis Journal

Integrating Structural and Functional Imaging for Computer-Assisted Detection of Prostate Cancer on Multi-Protocol in vivo 3 Tesla MRI
Viswanath S, Bloch B. N, Rosen M, Chappelow J, Rofsky N, Lenkinski R, Genega E, Kalyanpur A, Madabhushi A.
SPIE Medical Imaging

Multi-attribute Non-Initializing Texture Reconstruction based ASM (MANTRA)
Toth R, Chappelow J, Rosen M, Kalyanpur A, Pungavkar S, Madabhushi A.
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention

An Integrated Multi-modal Prostate Segmentation Scheme by Combining Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Active Shape Models
Toth R, Tiwari P, Rosen M, Madabhushi A, Kalyanpur A, Pungavkar S.
SPIE Medical Imaging