A cohesive pool of globally accredited radiologists provide an innovative environment for a broad range of Image Interpretation Scenarios


Solid Tumor: Breast, Colorectal, Ovarian, Prostate, Pancreatic, Lung, Bladder, Renal, Gastric, Lymphomas, Melanoma

Criteria: RECIST 1.0 & 1.1; WHO Volumetric Assessment; Immunorecist; IWG 2007
Oncology trial is currently ICL’s fastest growing therapeutic area with over 50% of engagements in oncology trials. We are your perfect imaging partners and can assist you through any phase of oncology trial that needs imaging support through our expert panel of cross-sectional and neuroimaging radiologists. Experienced in large cancer trials with irRC and RECIST 1.1 protocols. Recently, irRECIST and RECIST 1.1 were done together in the same trial.

So, whether it’s an exploratory imaging trials or last phase of submission trials we are there to adjust and scale our imaging services to your needs.

Criteria: RECIST 1.0 & 1.1; WHO Volumetric Assessment; Immunorecist; IWG 2007
Oncology trial is currently ICL’s fastest growing therapeutic area with over 50% of engagements in oncology trials. We are your perfect imaging partners and can assist you through any phase of oncology trial that needs imaging support through our expert panel of cross-sectional and neuroimaging radiologists. Experienced in large cancer trials with irRC and RECIST 1.1 protocols. Recently, irRECIST and RECIST 1.1 were done together in the same trial. So, whether it’s an exploratory imaging trials or last phase of submission trials we are there to adjust and scale our imaging services to your needs.

Central Nervous System, Neuro Oncology & Neuro Radiology

Brain/Glioma; Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis; Alzheimer Diseases; Brain Injury

Criteria: McDonalds; RANO; Volumetric Assessment

Pharmaceutical companies developing new CNS product often face huge obstacles and challenges due to lack of imaging expertise. This leads to highest failure rates in neurological trials over all other therapeutic areas.

Now get strategic and practical support from our experts and simplify your product development process. Get a depth knowledge of all neuroimaging aspects that will boost your trial process.

Talk to our fellowship trained neuroradiologists and bring in a subspecialty level experience for your trials on neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease, demyelinating disorders, stroke, epilepsy, neuro-oncology and post-traumatic disorders.


Rheumatoid Arthritis; Osteoporosis; Osteoarthritis; Degenerative Disc diseases
Criteria: Van Der Heijde Modified Sharp Score; RAMRIS Scoring; Fracture Healing assessment.
Our experienced team of musculoskeletal specialists adds value to clinical trials imaging in arthritis (including application of specialized scoring systems such as van der Heijde- modified Sharp scoring), osseous tumors, and skeletal implants, as well as cartilage analysis, bone densitometry and other advanced techniques.
Criteria: Van Der Heijde Modified Sharp Score; RAMRIS Scoring; Fracture Healing assessment.
Our experienced team of musculoskeletal specialists adds value to clinical trials imaging in arthritis (including application of specialized scoring systems such as van der Heijde- modified Sharp scoring), osseous tumors, and skeletal implants, as well as cartilage analysis, bone densitometry and other advanced techniques.

Thoracic and Pulmonary Imaging

Lung nodule analysis, airway assessment and pulmonary volumetric analysis

Criteria: We provide the highest level of expertise in evaluation of chest radiographs and high resolution CT of pulmonary disorders, including interstitial lung disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, occupational lung diseases, pulmonary thromboembolism, bronchopulmonary infections and tumors. Lung nodule analysis, airway assessment and pulmonary volumetric analysis are additional services offered.

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